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Xactimate Program Simulation

Problem: New contractors encountering Xactimate may face challenges in getting acquainted with the software and utilizing it effectively for estimating and reporting in the restoration industry. One common problem is the learning curve associated with understanding the features and functionalities of Xactimate, especially for those who are new to the software and the restoration industry. This can lead to inefficiencies in creating accurate estimates and reports, potentially impacting the contractor's ability to compete effectively in the industry.

Solution: One solution for new contractors is to undergo comprehensive training in Xactimate. This training can provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the software, input detailed estimates, and generate professional reports, enabling them to create accurate estimates effectively and efficiently.

Tools Used: Storyline 360, Camtasia, Xactimate

Highlights: There are different embedded training videos and a program simulation.

Click to see the Design Doc, Storyboard, or the Cyber Security Basics Training job aid.

Cyber Security Basics Training

Problem: Employees of Cyber Savvy Technologies work with high-level sensitive customer information and need to ensure its employees are being proactive about minimizing the possible threats of hackers to company information from any cyber threats. 

Solution: The e-learning course will allow all employees, current and future who use computers and other digital devices in the workplace to receive cyber security training to protect themselves and the company from cyber threats from internal or external means.

Tools Used: Storyline 360, Adobe Illustrator, Premier Pro, WellSaid Labs

Highlights: There are different layers with real-life scenarios, knowledge checks, assessments, and embedded videos.

Click to see the Design Doc.

Email Etiquette

Problem: Employees in the company have email etiquette issues that frequently result in sending emails with vague subject lines, incomplete sentences, and unclear messages. As a result, the clients receive emails that lack crucial information which leads to miscommunication jeopardizing the client relationship and potentially resulting in financial losses and damage to the company's reputation.

Solution: This email etiquette e-Learning course will help employees who struggle with email communication. The learner will address the issues of vague subject lines, incomplete sentences, and unclear messages, and focus on providing solutions to improve these areas.

Tools Used: Rise 360 and Canva

Highlights: The learner will have interactive elements on the page, knowledge checks, a whiteboard animation video, and an assessment.

Visit the Contact Me page to reach me. You can also visit the eLearning, Instructional Design, Microlearning, or VILT / ILT pages for samples.